There's always a great story behind a great photo
Recently, I decided to walk the dog at the beach. I came across these beautiful women. I asked if I could take their photo. They told me they just moved here from Kuwait. They are heading to Colorado to settle down. They said they can't wait to live in the beautiful mountains. They are brave. They are beautiful. They are strong...and I wish them all opportunity, happiness, joy and freedom to be their best selves.
My story
The photographer never gets their picture taken.
So many of my friends have told me recently, "I didn't know you were a photographer!" Well, I don't sit there and tell people what I do with most of my time because I'm too busy learning things and doing things. I do have a degree in Photography...but a degree does not a great Photographer make!! Taking a lot of pictures does.
Here's proof....I've been taking pictures my entire life. I think my first camera was when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade.
Here is a photo taken of me at 19 in Europe. I saved up my money and bought a Canon AE1 camera SLR with a number of lenses/flash, etc before I went to live in Europe. I took thousands of pictures.
I spent many hours in the darkroom at Pepperdine developing film and photos and I still remember the smell of the chemicals.
Then I got into Computer Graphics in 1985 where we did slide shows from a big computer system and I learned how to develop color film and slides in the darkroom and mounted them and sleeved them to give to clients.
I take pictures almost every single day. I always have. Don't ever think it takes talent to do anything. It doesn't!! It takes a lot of practice and learning from the best and hard work. Technology is constantly changing and that is why people have to be up on the latest technology to stay relevant and keep working!
So many of my friends have told me recently, "I didn't know you were a photographer!" Well, I don't sit there and tell people what I do with most of my time because I'm too busy learning things and doing things. I do have a degree in Photography...but a degree does not a great Photographer make!! Taking a lot of pictures does.
Here's proof....I've been taking pictures my entire life. I think my first camera was when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade.
Here is a photo taken of me at 19 in Europe. I saved up my money and bought a Canon AE1 camera SLR with a number of lenses/flash, etc before I went to live in Europe. I took thousands of pictures.
I spent many hours in the darkroom at Pepperdine developing film and photos and I still remember the smell of the chemicals.
Then I got into Computer Graphics in 1985 where we did slide shows from a big computer system and I learned how to develop color film and slides in the darkroom and mounted them and sleeved them to give to clients.
I take pictures almost every single day. I always have. Don't ever think it takes talent to do anything. It doesn't!! It takes a lot of practice and learning from the best and hard work. Technology is constantly changing and that is why people have to be up on the latest technology to stay relevant and keep working!